Month: March 2018

€250 March Draw – Winner!

Dear Members,

The €250 draw for Members that paid their subscriptions in full on or before 25 March 2018 took place in the Clubhouse on Sunday 25th March

And the lucky Winner is ……  Sean Hyland

Well Done Sean !!!!

Best Regards

Portarlington Golf Club

Holmpatrick Fourball 18 Hole Stableford – Saturday 24th / Sunday 25th March – Results

Dear Members,

Results for the above competition:

1st Thomas Kennedy Paul Murphy  45pts(b9) – Qualify for Holmpatrick Fourball    

2nd  Allen Norton Patrick Kitson  45pts

3rd  Michael O’Loughlin James Halley 44pts

Sponsor  :  Arlington Scaffolding – Michael McMahon

Congratulations to the Winners and Many Thanks to our Generous Sponsor

The draw has been made for those pairs that qualified for the Matchplay 32 (One 37Pts (B9) Qualified) – see Competition notice board

The first round of matches must be completed by the end of April – otherwise those outstanding shall be removed from the competition


Portarlington Golf Club


Final Reminder – Additional March Annual Subscription €250 Draw – 25 March 2018 -only 2 days away!

Dear Members and Aspiring Members,

The additional and final draw for €250 will be held for all Full Members who have paid their Annual Subscription for 2018,
including Levies, prior to or on Sunday 25 March 2018, with the draw taking place that same evening after the Presentation of Prizes.

Many thanks to all our Members who have paid their Annual Subscription to date

The Office will be open this Sunday for those wishing to pay their subscription at the Clubhouse, including payment of Annual Subscription through the
Premium Credit Facility. The shop, of course, also shall be open both days to accommodate Subscription payments.

Best Regards and Best of Luck !

Portarlington Golf Club

2018 Winter League and St. Paul’s Autistic Children Presentations – Sunday March 25th

Dear Members

The presentation of Prizes for the above competitions shall take place in the Clubhouse on Sunday 25th March at 1900hrs.

All Winners are requested to attend to collect their prizes and acknowledge the generosity of the Sponsors.

Where a member receiving a prize cannot attend , please organise a representative on your behalf to receive your prize for you.

Congratulations Once Again

Portarlington Golf Club

Ladies Golf on Tuesday 20th March 2018

Due to bad weather, play today (20th March 2018) will be over 12 holes and on temporary greens.  Please be aware that bunkers are in play and there is placing everywhere. 

The competition will remain open until Monday 26th March 2018. However, there is no re-entry. The competition will be run over the first 12 holes in play on the day.

Additional March Annual Subscription €250 Draw – Extension

Dear Members and Aspiring Members,

The additional March 2018 draw for €250 will be held for all Full Members who have paid their Annual Subscription for 2018,
including Levies, prior to or on – the day of rescheduled Joint Captains’ Drive-In – date TBC.

The draw will be made in the Clubhouse on the evening on the Drive-In,  and entry has been extended to that date to allow our Members that opt to pay their Subscription on the day of the Drive-In to compete in the €250 Draw.

Many thanks to all our Members who have paid their Annual Subscription to date.

Best Regards and Best of Luck !

Portarlington Golf Club

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