History of Portarlington Golfclub 1908-1987

Chapter Name:Professionals and Stewards

Joe Nangle -Golf Professional
Joe Nangle was a native of Portmarnock. The youngest of twelve children, his family lived on the golf road close by the celebrated Links.Here he was reared with a golf club in his hands almost from infancy.
As a caddie, which Spanned his entire youth, he learned his profession from some of the world's greatest golfers.In April 1931, he and his sister, Tess, took up their appointment as caretakers at Portarlington Golf Club -Joe as working professional,Tess as caterer. He was then a young man in his twenties. Their
employment lasted four years. In 1935 he went to Tullamore. He marrieq.in the Midland town where
his daughter, Marie, was born. Sadly, within a couple of years his wife died.Some years later Joe's health failed him and he, too, died while still a young man.
Tess did not accompany Joe to Tullamore; instead, she returned to her home in Portmarnock and later married there.Marie grew to womanhood and emigrated to England where she is still living.
Joe's elder sister, Maggie, (Mrs. Margaret Shortall) a kind and gentle person, resides at Bracklone, Portarlington, and at the time of writing is in excellent health though long since passed her eightieth birthday.He held the professional course record with a score of 67.
Jack Murphy
Born in Gracefield, Portarlington, Jack was appointed greenkeeper and barman in 1935. He replaced Joe Nangle. He remained in that position until 1956 during which time he acquired a huge store of knowledge of the Comings and goings at Garryhinch. An intelligent person, Jack was a great favourite with one and all at the Clubhouse. With a Wonderful retentive memory, he recalled his caddie days of 73
years ago when he received "Three pence for 9 holes and it was always very welcome. .." ". ..But only a handful of people played golf at that time. .." said Jack.
He recalled the day, too, when the late Dr. W. Hogan introduced him to Count John McCormack on one of the occasions the world renowned singer played "a few holes" at GarrYhinch.
Now in his eighty-third year and a most interesting person to talk with,he still resides at Gracefield and, happily, at the time of writing (1987) is enjoying good health.

The first professional to the Club was H. C. Lafolly. He was succeeded by Jerry McSweeney who married a local girl, and lived in the Clubhouse with his family for a number of years. He was replaced by Jack Luttrell in 1921.
Others to follow were: Joe Finn, Pat O'Connor, Jim Donnelly and Donie

1908-1987 History Index
1908-1987 Picture Gallery