Wednesday 29th 12 hole open results
Portarlington Golf Club
Wednesday 29th January 2020
12 Hole Open Singles
1stChristy Carey (19)27pts
Regards John Paul Kelly
Club P.R.O
Portarlington Golf Club
Wednesday 29th January 2020
12 Hole Open Singles
1stChristy Carey (19)27pts
Regards John Paul Kelly
Club P.R.O
Competition Winter League
Sponsored by Colgan Sports
League 2020
Week 4 Jan 26th
Sponsored by Colgan Sports
Category 1
1st John McCusker 29pts
2nd Martin Carroll 28pts (B6)
Category 2
1st Gary Furlong 30pts
2nd Carthage Lowry 29pts
Category 3
1stRyan Conlon 32pts
2nd John Gorman 30pts
Regards John Paul Kelly
Club P.R.O
Our Annual Memorial Service will take place in Portarlington Golf Club on Friday night 31st January at 8 o clock. All are welcome to attend
Regards and Thanks John Paul Kelly Club P.R.O |
Ragards John Paul Kelly
Club P.R.O
Regards John Paul Kelly
Club P.R.O
Sponsor: Deirdre Doyle
Winner: Carmel Bolton 35
2nd: Anne Quinn 36
3rd: Fiona Walsh 36.5
Sponsor: Mairead Booth Dunne
Winner: Rita Dowling 34
Second: Christine Collier 37
Sponsor: Santa Surprise
Winner: Sinead Scully 35
Wednesday 15 th January
12 Hole Open Singles
1st. Michael J Walsh (13). 29 Pts.
2nd. Vincent Kelly (20). 28 Pts.
competitions Committee