Wednesday 18 Hole Open Singles Stableford- Results 27th June 2018
Sponsor : Matt Dunne Auctioneers
1st Joe Hynan (20) 40pts (b9)
2nd John Ryan (15) 40pts
Gross Karl McCormack (1) 38pts
3rd Michael Guinan (29) 38pts
Ladies please be aware that Sunday 1st July 2018 is not an alternate day for Tuesday 3rd July 2018 (Lady Captain Noreen Savage) Prize Day.
Good Luck in the Tuesday 3rd…
Good Luck to the Ladies Revive Active Team which takes on The Grange on Saturday 30th June 2018 at 3:30 p.m.
Away - Meadhbh Doyle & Maura O'Donoghue
Agnes Holland, Jo Lawrence & Breeda Cummins (39 pts.)
18 Hole Single Stableford
1st - Eina Pang (42 pts.)
2nd - Mary Kavanagh (37 pts.) (B.9)
3rd - Mary Fallon (37 pts.)
A big thanks to our sponsors.
CSS Sunday -…
The last date for completing round 2 of the competition has been extended by 2 weeks due to the excessive heat as well as the involvement of a significant number…
Congratulations to the Winners and Thank You for your continued Support
Portarlington Golf Club
Portarlington Ladies Golf
Hi Ladies just to let you all know that on account of the weather being so warm, the BRS timesheet is open in the morning from 8am.
Mary Foy
Dear Members and Guests,
Times are now available on B.R.S system or by contacting The Golf Shop on 05786-23115 for a Men's 18 Hole Open Singles on Saturday 7th July.
All Visitors…
Dear Members and Guests,
Just a reminder that the Fundraising Table Quiz for our Junior Members takes place this coming Friday, 29th June 2018 at 8.30pm
All Welcome and Complementary Finger Food…
Dear Members,
Resulting from the Lansdowne Cup Medal competition, all Nett 76s and 4 No. 77s Qualified for the 32 places in the 2018 Club Championship Matchplay Draw.
Competition Secretary
Dear Members,
Mixed news for our teams this weekend - Congratulations to the winning teams and managers and well done to those that unfortunately did not have the best of luck…