Ozzie Summer Weather made a guest appearance - The L-Plate Lady Golfer's Journal - Portarlington Golf Club

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The 13/4/2010 Aussie Spoons Replay

Published by in Ozzie Summer Weather made a guest appearance ·

Under T-shirt was collarless so I perspired in silent fugue

The day dawned with the sun there and everything.  ‘Twas lovely but I did not wish to fall into the Aussie Spoons weather trap again so I dressed in sensible layers – easy on and easy off (thank you Mater Dear).  We went out at the same time as before, although I had a shiny new playing partner.  We moseyed on out, us 4 mavericks, into the balmy air and almost tropical course.

My shiny new team mate, Lady R, played off a tres impressive handicap of 31.  I was terribly impressed – almost awestruck.  But, over the journey of the round, I had a wee inkling of the pain that accompanies the pleasurable ego balm of a drop in handicap.  Our combined and divided handicaps amounted to 33.  Not much, I hear you say.  But, darn it, I missed those 3 shots so very much on the course.

We carried on, basking so much in the weather that our golf was improving almost unconsciously.  I confess though that I transformed my previously perfect golfing companions into savage chocoholics by the round’s end.  The Lady R, who is not a chocolate lady, accepted a nut-filled-choc-free-muesli bar while us other three had not one, nor two but three choccie breaks (& my final one was a doubler – at least I scored highly on the choccie front anyhoo).

We were at the 13th, and I began to utilise the dynamics of teamwork.  I asked the Lady R would she like me to attempt sending the ball over the pond, or would I jig it to one side and she could scoot it along.  She said jump it.  Eeeeeeek.  I lined up the shot, having gone a club up just to be sure to be sure.  I kept my head down, my arm straight.  I hit a perfect shot – straight, lofted and perfect.  Just about 6” too short.  We watched the ball fly, fly, fly before it fell, scraping and clawing down the steep pond wall, its little fingernails splintering, into the water.  Splash.

The Lady R bore the loss of her ball very well indeed.  She bounced her shot off the top of the evil wall and straight across onto the 11th.  Goodness, I was impressed.  It were borderline magical.

The whole day long, only one of my drives was used – on the 17th.  I mean, the others were OK distance-wise, they were just assuming a startling banana shape (& I truly hate bananas).  Although when they began going beyond banana shape to U-shaped German sausage shaped I got scared.  Real scared.

But, at the end of the day, our teamly duos both scored better than the first Aussie Outing.  Weather can create good atmosphere both out and in.

Atmospheric pressure is always good when
Golfing @ Garryhinch…

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